The problem of infertility

Today, at least 10-15% of women face infertility problems.

The infertility problem cannot have only one cause - it is the result of many factors, ranging from infectious diseases to genetic mutations. For some reason, many people believe that genetics is the main and the only cause of infertility, but this is a myth. In fact, a very small percentage of women (5-7%) cannot get pregnant because of genetic changes in the body.

Nowadays, modern genetics can not only combat the problem of infertility, but also treat genetic diseases in the foetus itself. It is better to divide this question into two parts, of course. For example, couples who already have chromosomal abnormalities and want to have a healthy embryo to avoid the pregnancy by affected child. If a couple has had any pathologies in the family, we are faced with a high risk of these abnormalities in the child. For example, in case of some genetic disorders the chance that the child will be born healthy is reduced from 100 to 75%, in some cases to 50%. In order to avoid minimal risk, we recommend in vitro fertilization followed by Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) of embryos. - says Dr. Dmytro Mikitenko

It is believed that a woman between 40 and 45 years of age has an incredibly high risk of miscarrying. This is the reason why many women resort to IVF and PGT. This is done in order to avoid the possibility that the fertilized egg will have abnormalities. An embryo test is the only way to determine the genetic health in this case. This method has a 99.9% accuracy in determining the result. The basis and principle of this test is to exclude embryos with an incorrect karyotype.

Speaking of healthy embryos, we have minimal risk of miscarriage, except for maternal and external factors that may be unforeseen. It also depends on the medical method chosen for the biopsy. The most dangerous and harmful method is blastomer biopsy, after which the implantation potential of embryo is reduced by one third after having another child. 

In our practice, we use only trophectoderm biopsy because it has no impact on the embryo implantation and survivalist. 

Dr. Dmytro Mikitenko Head of the laboratory of molecular diagnostics NADIYA clinic

At our Nadia Clinic, we perform mandatory tests in order to check the chances of having a healthy baby. We have different methods and medical approaches for different risk groups. 

10 years ago, some things seemed impossible, but now this is our reality. This number of incredible discoveries also includes an embryo test to check absolutely all chromosomes. It used to be possible for a chromosome that could be responsible for Down's syndrome, but now our capabilities have expanded significantly. We can test for certain genetic diseases, which means we can take responsibility for our patients' health with great confidence. And of course there are many drugs that are currently being developed and tested that prevent genetic diseases.

Our doctors are interested in solving your health problems because they have voluntarily devoted their lives to this area.

Dr. Dmytro Mikitenko